What I'm Wearing:
1) T by Alexander Wang Neoprene Rib Collared Sleeveless Dress
2) T by Alexander Wang Neoprene Bomber Jacket
3) Gucci Suede/Patent Leather Heel
This is the first time I am wearing this ensemble. California weather was on and off these past couple weeks, but today just happens to be the perfect weather to wear this number. I purchased this outfit when I was in New York visiting the Alexander Wang store. I must say, it was the most beautiful store I've seen. The marble tiles, black accented furniture and what not. I've always wanted something neoprene but never found anything until I laid my eyes on the bomber jacket and the dress. I felt like I was wearing a wet suit but I absolutely love the structure and shape it forms. I hope this outfit inspires you to hunt down for something neoprene!
Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I chopped my hair off.